首頁 成功案例 Project Description 10" Semi-Rugged Tablet PC for European Airline
Project Description
10" Semi-Rugged Tablet PC for European Airline
Developed & Executed Project
Development The 10" Tablet PC Project for end user

European Airline :
  • The beginning of this project is in the standard Tablet PC dummy mockup which is with ID design only, no function. We worked with a system integrator which is purchase agent or this Airline.
  • For customer's application program, we especially built a new motherboard which can totally satisfy customer's software demand.The photo shows the tablet PC with software and with installation kits.
  • Till November 2011, this project has been finished the sampling stage, and this Airline have designed and made kits for installation and work for final approval procedure.


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郵件: kaso@kaso-design.com